eTwinning: Registrujte se na Elearning ceny 2008 a podělte se o příklady dobré praxe za použití ICT ve školách!

pátek 24. října 2008 ·

European Schoolnet tento rok již po osmé vyhlašuje ceny eLearning, primární evropskou soutěž oceňující znamenité a nejlepší využití informačních technologií ve výuce. Je to aktuálně také další možnost ocenění projektů eTwinning kromě národních a mezinárodních cen. Termín přihlášení je do 27. 10. 2008. Více informací v anglickém jazyce naleznete dále v článku…

Schools and teacher training institutions are invited to take part and register at to present their best projects of using ICT in teaching and learning with an international audience.

The 2008 Awards, organised by European Schoolnet, have been running since 2001 and are the leading competition for schools in Europe to demonstrate how they are using ICT to build a future Europe and citizens of tomorrow. As in previous years, key industry partners are supporting the event.

This year there are new categories including a special award for individual teachers, thousands of euros in cash prizes and state of the art equipment to be won.

Entries will be judged by a panel of experts and the winners will be announced at the annual EMINENT Conference in Rome on 4 December 2008. The Rome conference is a unique experience to meet and influence European ministries of education, global companies and key stakeholders in education.

The prize-giving ceremony is followed by a prestigious gala dinner. Prize-winners` trip to Rome includes a two-night stay which gives the opportunity of visiting the ancient city and appreciating its unique atmosphere.

To be eligible for the eLearning Awards, entries must be submitted by schools or teacher training institutions in EU Member States, EEA Countries, EU Applicant Countries as well as Switzerland, Israel and Georgia.

A gallery will showcase on the eLearning Portal contributions from all around Europe.

Entries can be made from now until 27 October 2008 directly through the website

Full list of categories:


About European Schoolnet
European Schoolnet ( ) is a unique not-for-profit consortium of 31 ministries of education in Europe created in 1997. EUN provides major European education portals for teaching, learning and collaboration and leads the way in bringing about change in schooling through the use of new technology.


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